
Category: All category

Impacto de la movilidad en los trabajadores del transporte

Este artículo final del proyecto MIPACT, realiza un breve recorrido por las actividades que se han...

Impatto della mobilità sui lavoratori dei trasporti

Questo articolo finale del progetto MIPACT fornisce una breve panoramica delle attività svolte dur...

Utjecaj mobilnosti na prometne radnike

Ovaj završni članak MIPACT projekta, pruža kratak pregled aktivnosti koje su provedene tijekom n...

Επιπτώσεις της κινητικότητας στους εργαζόμενους στον τομέα των μεταφορών

Αυτό το τελευταίο άρθρο του έργου MIPACT παρέχει μια σύντ...

Effekten av mobilitet på transportarbeidere

Denne avsluttende artikkelen for MIPACT-prosjekt gir en kort oversikt over aktivitetene gjennomfør...

Impact of mobility on transport workers

This final article of the MIPACT project provides a brief overview of its activities, presents the ...

Intermodal in Poland 2024 Congress

The largest event in Poland's intermodal industry has just ended in Janów Podlaski. Over the three...

Large increase in rail container transport from China to Poland

The volume of containers transported by rail from China to Poland in the first quarter of 2024 incr...

Ambitious emission targets for road transport adopted. It’s time to start taking action

The Council of the European Union has approved a radical plan to decarbonise road transport. Accord...

German carriers go to court over increases in track access charges

A group of 11 freight carriers filed a lawsuit against the German government in the court in Cologn...

Innovative CMA CGM Mermaid container ship called at the Baltic Hub terminal

The innovative CMA CGM Mermaid container ship has arrived at the Baltic Hub terminal in the Port of...

More and more refrigerated cargo goes to Port of Koper. There is option for intermodal trains

There is still a lively debate in the industry and, therefore, efforts to shift the volume of trans...


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