
In October, rail freight transport in Poland increased

2023/12/04 at 6:20 PM
Tags: statistics

In October 2023 in rail freight the value of transport performance was higher than in 2022 and the values of the total weight of goods carried and the operational performance were slightly lower. Overall, the transport performance exceeded 5.5 bn tonne-km, 0.03 bn tonne-km more (+0.6%) than in the previous year. The weight of goods carried was 21 m tonnes – over 0.2 m tonnes less (-1.2%) compared to 2022. The weight of goods in October is the second highest monthly result since the beginning of this year (with 21.1 m tonnes in March).

The operational performance was over 7.4 m train-km, which is a year-on-year decrease by 0.2 m train-km (-2.3%). The average transport distance of one tonne of goods was 263 km – 4.6 km longer than in 2022.

In October 2023 – on a month-on-month basis – there was an increase by 1.3 m tonnes (+6.5%) in the weight of goods carried since September 2023. The rise in the transport performance was 0.3 bn tonne-km (+5.4%) and 0.4 m train-km (+5.1%) in the operational performance. In October the average transport distance of one tonne of goods was 3 km shorter than in September.

Overall, in January-October 2023 the weight of goods transported by rail operators exceeded 193.9 m tonnes, the transport performance reached 51.8 bn tonne-km and the operational performance amounted to 70.9 m train-km. When compared to the same period in 2022, it is a decrease by 14.7 m tonnes (-7.1%) in the weight of goods, by 0.3 bn tonne-km (-0.6%) in the transport performance and by 1.9 m train-km (-2.5%) in the operational performance.

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