
New storage space for an additional 3,500 cars in Port of Koper

2023/07/07 at 2:23 PM

One of the most important investments in the car segment at the Port of Koper was concluded a few days ago in the hinterland of Basin III. On July 4th, with a symbolic ribbon-cutting ceremony, Port of Koper handed over new storage space for an additional 3,500 vehicles at the Car Terminal. The value of the construction works amounted to EUR 5.3 million and the total investment to EUR 7.3 million.

Accelerated implementation of investments is one of the Company’s key focuses in the light of securing additional storage and handling space and a smooth port process, confirmed Nevenka Kržan, President of the Management Board: “The promotion of investments, development and employment are certainly priorities for the Company’s management board. As a matter of fact, we can only be successful if we work together, communicate and listen to each other. Good times are ahead, new business is coming, and we as a management board need to make sure that we create the conditions to ensure that the business is done for the benefit of all stakeholders – employees, the neighbourhood and shareholders. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this project.”

The new investment has increased the port area by 68,000 square metres, while the storage capacity of the Car Terminal now stands at 46,500 vehicles. This is one of the most significant additions to the terminal, which last year surpassed 800,000 vehicles handled for the first time, maintaining its position as the leading car terminal in the Mediterranean.

“This is really a major gain for our terminal and a clear signal to our customers and business partners that we are continuing our development. But it is not just this project, as there are new plots of land nearby that we need to dedicate to storage purposes as soon as possible,” said Gregor Belič, Head of the Car Terminal.

The new storage facilities were built on the surface of the so-called cassette 5A, which was previously consolidated with material excavated during the construction of Škocjanski zatok and the dredging of the inlet channel leading to the port’s Basin I. As part of the construction, the contractor Kolektor CPG installed geosynthetics and a tampon layer on top of the flysch covering, and fully asphalted the surface in the final phase.

The investment also included the drainage of storm water through oil traps and the installation of 13 light mast. In addition to the marked parking boxes, parking spaces with electric charging points were provided on part of the site, and the customs area was extended by relocating the customs fence.

In the coming years, additional storage areas will be built on cassettes 6A and 7A located in the immediate vicinity.

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