
Port Koper invites you to the “CoolWorkshop – Unbreak the Cold Chain” workshop

2023/05/05 at 11:47 AM

Port Koper organizes the workshop “CoolWorkshop – Unbreak the Cold Chain” on the transport of cargo in controlled temperature. Workshops will be held on 7-8. June 2023 in the city of Koper, Slovenia.

The workshops concern safety, technology and innovation in the transport of loads that require certain temperature parameters. The program includes hands-on classes by Carrier Transicold and Tive trainers, presentations by industry experts, and workshops on food storage and transportation. The two-day workshop also includes a visit to the container terminal and a meeting with shipowners.

The classes are free, and the cost of travel and accommodation is covered by the participant.
Classes will be conducted in English, but translation into Polish will also be offered during the workshop. For all workshop participants, Port Koper offers lower room prices at the Grand Koper Hotel.

Applications for participation should be sent to the following e-mail address: poland.office@luka-kp.si.

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