Port of Gdynia offers special option for Ukrainian shippers
The Port of Gdynia Authority, Poland’s second-largest harbour, has launched a new online form on its website. It is dedicated to moving freight to or from Ukraine via the maritime terminals in Gdynia. The online form is available only in English.
In mid-July 2022, the Port of Gdynia Authority put into operation the ‘Ukrainian Cargo’ online form on its official website. The new option was designed to simplify communication between the Ukrainian companies and the maritime terminals located in the Polish harbour. “The Russian invasion and blockade of the Ukrainian Black Sea ports have forced Ukrainian companies to search for new maritime logistics solutions. Polish ports thanks to their geographic location and infrastructure can contribute to the construction of new transport chains and support Ukrainian export and import. One of them is the Port of Gdynia, which, owing to its universal character, fits perfectly in this role,” the Port of Gdynia Authority notes in a preview to the special online form.

Those companies that are interested in exporting goods from Ukraine or importing them to Ukraine via the Port of Gdynia must fill out the form by providing some necessary data about them and the planned shipments including the type of operation (import or export), type of product (cereals, coal/coke, steel products, ore, general cargo), the quantity of freight (per vessel, month or year), type of transport to/from the port (train or truck), as well as contact details of a declarant. “Our Commercial Department will make every effort to help you redirect your cargo to the appropriate port operators,” the port authority added.
The special online form can be accessed via the website of the Port of Gdynia Authority via the link below: