
Port of Klaipeda builds new berth for handling oil products

2022/04/22 at 4:51 PM

The Klaipeda State Seaport Authority is continuing to enhance its infrastructure for handling oil products. Among the latest developments is the completion of the first phase of the construction project of a new dedicated berth. The new facility will allow the processing of more and larger tankers in the Lithuanian harbour.

More than 25 million euros was invested by the Klaipeda State Seaport Authority in implementing the project of a new berth for handling oil products. It was built on the site of a former anchorage. At the beginning of the year, the large-scale works, including dredging up to a depth of 17 metres, were completed by two Lithuanian contractors, UAB Tilsta and UAB Fegda.

Currently, the project is at the final stage. Klaipedos Nafta, which runs the oil terminal in the Port of Klaipeda, has already acquired and installed the most advanced equipment in the Baltic Sea region for handling oil products. This equipment can simultaneously load up to five different types of products into one tanker. The new facility is expected to have a length of 235 metres and be able to process three tankers simultaneously. “When the project is fully implemented, the new infrastructure will ensure the handling of large tankers, which means a more attractive port and a more efficient logistics chain for shippers,” said Algis Latakas, general director of the Klaipeda State Seaport Authority.

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