DB Schenker to launch new terminal in Poland
German logistics provider DB Schenker is currently completing the construction of its new distribution terminal in Poland. The facility, which is dedicated to a customer from the automotive industry, is located in Plewiska near Poznań.
DB Schenker’s new terminal will be launched in the second quarter of the current year. It has an area of 20,500 square meters. Due to an innovative storage system, the facility can accommodate as many as 41,000 pallets. Under the contract, in addition to the storage and completion of orders, DB Schenker will also be responsible for a package of value-added services, such as product marking, labelling or packaging according to customer needs.

DB Schenker is implementing the project with Panattoni, the US-based industrial space developer. Earlier, the company built terminals for the German logistics operator that received BREAAM certificates. The new building is also to meet the highest standards of modern, ecological construction and be certified by the BREEAM method at an excellent level.
Before the commencement of construction works, the building’s life cost analysis (LCC) was carried out. The energy and water consumption, as well as pollutant emissions resulting from the transport of materials and construction waste, are being monitored during the construction. According to the developer’s estimations, the reduction in water consumption resulting from the operation of the building will amount to as much as 55 per cent compared to baseline values.