MMR Group TransComfort acquires UTK certificate for SMCV vertical load measurement system
MMR Group TransComfort has received from Poland’s Railway Transport Office (UTK) an unlimited approval for the operation of the SMCV vertical load measurement system. The system is included in the group of “devices for detecting rail vehicle emergency conditions during train running and carriage loading irregularities”.
The SMCV system is a proprietary solution of the Italian company Marini Impianti Industriali, a leading manufacturer of devices in the field of automation, diagnostics and telecommunication for Italian railway manager Rete Ferroviaria Italiana. The role of the system is to dynamically measure loads for each axle and wheel of the rolling stock running on the measuring section. At the same time, the system detects excessive loads that result from cargo shifting or incorrect loading. The sensors placed in the neck of the rail properly protected against external factors and maintenance works in the track, are responsible for the measurement. The data is processed at the trackside measuring station and then transferred to the operator’s station. The system can be configured for measurements at the station or by track. There is no limit to the train speed, and the measurement is carried out in the range from 5 to even 250 kilometres per hour.

The SMCV system has so far been used in the Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Italy) and Slovenske železnice (Slovenia) railway networks. In Italy, the system has been successfully implemented and operated since 2012. Currently, it is located in several locations at freight stations, terminals and on routes (including Verona Quadrante Europa, Torino Orbassano, Ventimiglia, Varzo-Domodosolla). The SMCV works there as a measuring and monitoring system for loads transfer by freight trains arriving from neighbouring countries. Each violation of the prescribed limit values is reported to the measuring station, and the train is directed by the station dispatcher to the sidetrack for inspection.
MMR Group TransComfort presented the properties and a wide range of benefits of using the SMCV system during this year’s 14th International Railway Fair TRAKO in Gdańsk, and industry conferences, in.a. Infraszyn 2021 in Zakopane, Kolejowe przejścia graniczne [Railway border crossings] 2021 in Janów Podlaski and Energetyka na kolei [Power engineering on the railroad] 2021 in Ożarów Mazowiecki. The certificate of the Urząd Transportu Kolejowego [Railway Transport Office] for SMCV enables the widespread use of the system in Poland and will contribute to increasing safety measures in rail cargo and passenger transport as well as facilitate the process of diagnostics and maintenance of railway infrastructure elements.
Contact details:
Adam Mianowski, Product Manager
+48 695 119 105